Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Apple is on a Roll

It used to be said that it was Sinatra's world - the rest of us just live in it. Now it seems that it is Steve Jobs' world - and the rest of us just live in it. As I write this, the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT is less than an hour away. Will it meet our sky-high expectations? For example, look at Fast Company's prognostication here.

If it (whatever "it" is that will be presented) is compatible with the iPhone and iPod touch, "it" will become part of Bartizan's iLeads lineup. Stay tuned.

Yes, Apple is on a roll. Record Mac sales. Record iPhone sales. Record iPod Touch sales. The iPod Touch is kind a stealth product. Lots of people don't know why Bartizan views the Touch, rather than the iPhone, as the preferred iLeads platform. Here's why: It does almost everything that the iPhone does, requires no wireless contract with AT&T or anyone else and costs just 200 bucks. Tough to beat!

An example of why the Touch is so terrific: My wife is a total technophobe. She has never so much as turned on a computer, let alone sent an email message. She has been a regular patron of Play-by-Play, an outfit that peddles discount tickets to Broadway and Off-Broadway shows. In December Play-by Play informed her that it was discontinuing phone service. Starting January 1 she would have to order tickets online. She panicked. What if she could not reach me to ask (order?) me to go online to purchase her tickets? What would she do? The solution? An iPod Touch on which I added the Play-by-Play site to the homepage. When my wife discovered how easy it was to use Play-by-Play on the Touch, she was elated.

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